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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) 

(How can Jason Segel possibly forget Kristen Bell?)

The premise: Peter, TV show music composer (Jason Segel), gets dumped by his long-time girlfriend Sarah Marshall, TV star (Kristen Bell). Desperate to get over her (and after a string of disastrous one-night stands) Peter flies off on a whim to Turtle Beach resort in Hawaii, only to find out that Sarah is vacationing there as well... with her new boyfriend Aldous Snow, rock star (Russel Brand). But perhaps gorgeous hotel clerk Rachel (Mila Kunis) can help Peter get over Sarah at last... [Read my full review here]

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posted by Christopher at 10:58 PM

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Birfday Funtimes Continue 

Tuesday (my actual birfday) I got a bunch of cupcakes at work, and my boss gave me a gift certificate to NoiseBot. There were several other good ones, but in the end I selected this T-shirt:

Carrie had to work late (until like 6:00 or something), but then after she got off we went down to Gateway to India for my birfday dinner, where we were met by Christine & Lawrence. I had Gosht Korma! Very good!

Later on in the evening Carrie & I went out and saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Another "Blanking Blank" title movie!). It was very funny and incredibly intelligent. Now I have two movie reviews to write.

Wednesday we cleaned the house and then in the evening went downtown to The Harmon restaurant, where we met my whole family, which came to 9 entire people around one table. Carrie & I hadn't been to The Harmon in a few years, and we were pleased to find that it was still very tasty (and they still had their beer ski). I had a steak with a green peppercorn reduction on a bed of crispy onion straws.

Then everybody came back to our house, where we were joined by Neighbor Gary. I then opened presents. I got cool stuff!

Carrie made me some lemon cupcakes with chocolate frosting (my favorite cake combo), and after those I played some Smash Bros with my own Bro and Cassie.

Thursday in the afternoon Lawrence took me out to see Iron Man. I now have three movie reviews to write. When I got home I got a package from, which I thought was odd because I hadn't ordered anything from them. Turns out it was a birthday gift from Taisha, Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Epic Series (Limited Edition Cylon Head Packaging)

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday in person, online, over the phone, and/or by giving me a gift!

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posted by Christopher at 8:06 AM

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